Quick Draw Software

Marcy Petrini

postscript: March, 2023





The wonderful thing about teaching weaving, besides meeting great weavers, is that I always learn something. Earlier this month I was in San Diego offering two workshops to two talented group of weavers (with overlapping memberships): the San Diego Creative Weavers’ Guild and the Palomar Handweavers and Spinners Guild.

While attending one of the workshops, Liz Jones showed me the drawdown software that her engineer husband, Scott Jones, wrote for her. And even nicer than knowing about it, is using it! So far is available for Windows platforms with more to come, he says. It is free (with no ads!) available for downloading from Scott’s website:


The software is really intuitive to use, but if you are new to drawdown software, there is a YouTube Channel that provides a tutorial. The videos are also accessible from the website above.

When you download the file to your computer, you may get questions about whether it is safe to do so. That’s a pretty common question asked by a computer system when downloading what we call “executable files” – files that do functional operation. It is perfectly safe to download Scott’s software, I have done it. Many of you know how ticky I am about clicking on links, etc. for fear of being hacked. Scott’s software is safe, he is one of the good guys.

So click through the warnings pages, unzip the files that get downloaded and run the quickdraw.exe file to operate the software.



Marcy Teaches

Marcy has been teaching classes sponsored by the Craftsmen’s Guild of MS, since 1981.
Weaving, and spinning classes are currently offered at the MS Craft Center, 950 Rice Road, Ridgeland, MS.
All needed equipment is available to currently enrolled students. Extensive handouts are provided for all classes. Supplies for beginners are also provided.
For information about schedules, cost, and registration, please download this PDF flyer or call the Mississippi Craft Center at 601-856-7546.

She also offers Zoom experiences - classes, talks, and even workshops.

Although so last century, Marcy also travels to teach onsite!



Marcy Sells - Monographs

Marcy's Bookstore is the place to buy - click here!

Weaving - Basics

Beginning Weaving: The Very First Project
    Second edition.
    96 pages; 202 illustrations. ISBN: 978-0-9965577-0-2. $30 print. $16 eBook.

Planning a Project: Weaving Structure, Color, Yarn and Sett
    Second edition.
    97 pages; 143 illustrations. ISBN: 978-0-9965577-1-9.  $30 print. $18 eBook. 

Avoiding & Correcting Weaving Errors
139 pages; 251 illustrations. ISBN: 978-1-945732-04-1. $35.00 print. $18 eBook.

Spinning on a Flyer Wheel
    Second edition.
    47 pages; 70 illustrations. ISBN: 978-0-9965577-6-4. $20 print. $10 eBook.

Loom Maintenance
by Terry Dwyer
    82 pages; 87 illustrations. ISBN: 978-1-945732-09-6. $30.00 print. $12 eBook


78 pages; $40 print.
    Individual PDF pages available online - click here!

There is Nothing Plain About Plain Weave
74 pages;  137 illustrations. ISBN: 978-1-945732-06-5. $25 print. $12 eBook.

Re-Inventing Twills
    121 pages; 226 illustrations. ISBN: 978-0-9965577-3-3. $35 print. $20 eBook. 

From Four to More
    92 pages; 142 illustrations. ISBN: 978-0-9965577--5-7. $30 print. $18 eBook

Structure and Function
    150 pages; 158 illustrations. ISBN: 978-1-945732-01-0. $40 print. $24 eBook.

Rectangular Float Weaves
    77 pages; 233 illustrations. ISBN: 978-1-945732-13-3. $30 print. $20 eBook.

Tied Unit Weaves
    100 pages; 160 illustrations. ISBN: 978-1-945732-14-0. $35 print. $25 eBook.

 Weaving - Themes

Critiquing Our Work
    26 pages;  32 illustrations, 11 appendices. ISBN: 978-1-945732-12-6. $20 print. $10 eBook. 

Year of Wonder
    66 pages;  124 illustrations. ISBN: 978-1-945732-07-2. $25 print. $12 eBook.

Marcy Writes

Marcy writes in order to teach and she teaches in order to write. 

Classes, seminars and talks are all improved by instruction manuals, monographs and other kinds of handouts.  In turn, students have been an inexhaustible source of novel and challenging questions, which in turn have led to new monographs, "Right from the Start" articles and revisions of existing works.

“Writing allows me to focus on a topic and adds clarity to my thinking.  By finding different ways to organize the material, I find better methods to present it to the reader as well as to teach my students.”